• Employment Readiness – Series 2

    WeSERVE has partnered with Andre M. Powell of AMPPED Speaks to bring Employment Support and Resume Readiness to our WeSERVE Cares Program. WeCARE‘s career planning workshop will help individuals, seeking a career change or new employment, to build confidence in their transition. The goals of these workshops are to strengthen skill needs to help attendees become employment ready! Topics will include: The Competent Communicator: Level 2 (11.11.2023 – 10:00 AM) – REGISTER TODAY! Chart Your Success: The Art of Goal Setting (12.9.2023 – 10:00 AM) – REGISTER TODAY! Making Genuine Connections (1.13.2024 – 10:00 AM) – REGISTER TODAY! Ready to level up your career? Click HERE to visit the Events Calendar for dates and register for the next class!

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